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KNX Automations

How important is it for a home or business to be equipped with control systems that automatically regulate heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting to achieve optimal energy efficiency and, above all, to create the ideal environment for those who use it?

How useful would it be to have an automatic water management system for your garden or pool? And how safer would it be if your alarm systems worked so perfectly that you’d never have to worry about surveillance, fire detection or automatic extinguishing?

Well, to the question “What is KNX?” the answer is all the benefits above. KNX systems and automations (from the word Konnex standing for “connection”) is a global standard for building automations that fully complies with the requirements of the European Union and certifies the quality of the automation installed.

KNX is a user-friendly and secure system that allows you to have complete control over every smart home or smart business you manage. Whether it is a hotel, shop, or restaurant, where impeccable and timely customer service is perhaps the key to success, KNX automation allows you to take care of every detail that is important to your customers.

KNX technology is now supported and used by hundreds of construction companies, with more than 40,000 certified members worldwide, creating the largest technology network on the planet!

VTEC is a certified member of the KNX network ensuring you take advantage of the best compatible products combined with the specialized know-how required for the installation of automatic building control systems that will give true value to your property.
To find out more about how KNX automations can offer you more freedom and security, click here.

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